High Blood Pressure
High Blood Pressure

Questions To Ask Your Doctor When He Says You Have High Blood Pressure

3 years ago
2 mins read

Take a look at this scenario; A patient goes to see a doctor for an unrelated visit or routine check up and then the doctor shakes his head and says “Your Blood pressure is really High today could you come back for a recheck” The patient leaves feeling anxious and then consults Google gets even more anxious and when the patient returns another day for the recheck he is so anxious and unsurprisingly the blood pressure is measured high leading to more anxiety and the prospect of taking medication for the rest of his/her life.

Some people find that their blood pressure is normal at home, but rises slightly when they’re at the hospital This is known as White coat Hypertension, or the white coat effect. The syndrome gets its name from doctors and medical staff who sometimes wear white coats in a professional setting.
Regular hypertension is high blood pressure that occurs in many scenarios, not just a medical one or influenced by anxiousness.


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