One Fact You Didn’t Know About The Bible
One Fact You Didn’t Know About The Bible

One Fact You Didn’t Know About The Bible

3 years ago
1 min read

In living, there are just facts you hear that are ear-splitting. Unfortunately, these have included the Holy Bible, today.

The Bible boasts of a mind-blowing, rich history of more than 2,000 years. The Holy Book has been instrumental to shaping Western civilization as well as the lives of billions of people around the globe. One big endless fascination is our faith in Nigeria alone. Let’s make it story for another day.

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Not that many Christians read it according to one poll by the Church of England, but many Christians and pagans alike OWN, at least, a copy of the Word.

Do you own a Bible? How did you acquire it? You bought it? Someone gifted it to you? Oh well, let’s say you own yours, ‘legitly. ’

Ridiculously, here is a fact you didn’t know about the Bible. The Bible is the most stolen item in the whole world. Yes! People actually go pilfering in order to own a copy. A barrage of studies show, the Bible is the most commonly stolen book in the universe, not just Nigeria. Are you shocked? Don’t be. It’s the truth. But, it’s sad. Apparently, these thieves missed the “Thou shalt not steal” part of the Ten Commandments.

Okay. Let’s put it the way a CNN report once did: “The Holy Bible is available for free at many places of worship, so perhaps there’s less guilt associated with pilfering a copy. Let’s hope they make it to the part about “repentance” in their stolen copy of the good book.”

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Well, we shall continue to hope against hope. If not, how do we explain that in the frenzy of daily shopping and even the holidays, people steal. They steal the Bible too!

In many hotels the world over, you will find a copy of the Holy Book placed somewhere in the room. Remember the Gideons International? Some of those copies of the Bible you see around your hotel rooms were place by the evangelists. Gideons has always had the intent of making the Bible as widely available as possible …without cost.

“Why this much ado?” You’re already querying? Sorry but we are looking at the Bible placed by your bed side in your hotel rooms. Many lodge in there only to make away with them while leaving. Honestly, many people own copies of the Bible today because they stole them from hotel rooms. But what can we say? Gideons are, in fact, happy for anyone who wants one to ‘take’ one home.

There you have it – a fact you didn’t know about the Holy Book. Many reports, including CNN and the NY Times have proven that the Bible is not just the most shoplifted book but also the most stolen item in the entire universe, Nigeria inclusive.


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