EMCEI-2024: Shaping The Future Of Environmental Research In Marrakesh

EMCEI-2024: Shaping The Future Of Environmental Research In Marrakesh

4 months ago
1 min read

As the global community continues to grapple with pressing environmental challenges, the 6th Euro-Mediterranean Conference for Environmental Integration (EMCEI-24) announces its upcoming gathering, poised to unite scholars, researchers, and practitioners from around the world in Marrakesh, Morocco, to ignite discussions and spark innovations in the realm of environmental science. This conference is scheduled to take place from May 15th to 18th, 2024.

It has potential to be a nexus of intellect, where researchers and professionals from across the globe will convene to explore the past, present, and future of the Euro-Mediterranean environment.

EMCEI-2024: Shaping The Future Of Environmental Research In Marrakesh

EMCEI-2024, organized by Performer Conferences represents more than just a conference; it symbolizes a collective commitment to addressing the environmental challenges facing the Euro-Mediterranean region. As delegates converge in Marrakesh, they carry with them the potential to chart a course towards a more sustainable future.

Attendees can expect a dynamic program featuring keynote presentations by esteemed Euro-Mediterranean scientists, delving into new indicators, research directions, and innovations in environmental sciences. Whether participating in-person or online, researchers will have the opportunity to present their work, share insights, and contribute to the collective advancement of environmental integration.

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With a focus on fostering research and innovation, EMCEI-2024 aims to achieve the following objectives:

  • Support research and innovation in environmental science
  • Promote the exchange of scientific knowledge among Euro-Mediterranean communities
  • Foster collaboration among scholars, researchers, and practitioners from diverse backgrounds
  • Provide a platform for the presentation and discussion of high-quality, original research papers
  • Facilitate dialogue on the evolution and development of the Euro-Mediterranean environment, spanning past, present, and future


Key Details:

  • Date: May 15th – May 18th, 2024
  • Venue: Marrakesh, Morocco
  • Host: Euro-Mediterranean Journal for Environmental Integration

For those seeking further information or wishing to participate in this transformative event, inquiries can be directed to the following contacts:

General inquiries: contact@emcei.net

Conference Organization and Proceedings: events@performer-conferences.com

Visit the website for more information or inquiries.



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