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Trump’s Immunity Plea Denied: Appeals Court Opens Path For Prosecution

4 months ago
1 min read

In a legal setback for former President Donald Trump, a federal appeals court rejected his immunity defense, paving the way for potential prosecution over alleged actions to overturn the 2020 election results.

The ruling, delivered unanimously by a three-judge panel, dismantled Trump’s contention that his actions were protected under the cloak of presidential authority.

“For the purpose of this criminal case, former President Trump has become citizen Trump, with all of the defenses of any other criminal defendant,” the court asserted.

The decision, authored by a panel featuring judges appointed by both Democratic and Republican presidents, strikes at the heart of Trump’s defense strategy.

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Trump’s legal team could now seek redress from the Supreme Court or pursue a rehearing before the full DC Circuit.

Facing multiple charges, including conspiracy and obstruction, Trump maintains his innocence, insisting his efforts were aimed at safeguarding election integrity. His attorneys argue that his acquittal in the Senate impeachment trial shields him from further prosecution, a claim disputed by legal experts.

“The district judge overseeing Trump’s criminal case in DC rejected Trump’s immunity arguments in December, writing that being president does not ‘confer a lifelong ‘get-out-of-jail-free’ pass,'” the report noted.

The ruling sets the stage for a potential showdown at the highest court, adding to a series of consequential legal battles entangling the former president. As the case progresses, it underscores the enduring legal ramifications of Trump’s tumultuous tenure and the limits of executive power in the face of criminal accountability.

Speaking on the implications of the decision, legal analyst Sarah Jenkins remarked, “This ruling not only strips away Trump’s immunity shield but also reaffirms the principle that no one, not even a former president, is above the law.”

With the specter of a trial looming, the legal saga surrounding Trump’s presidency enters a new phase, promising further scrutiny and debate over the boundaries of presidential authority and accountability.

Emmanuel Ochayi is a journalist. He is a graduate of the University of Lagos, School of first choice and the nations pride. Emmanuel is keen on exploring writing angles in different areas, including Business, climate change, politics, Education, and others.


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