
Stock: Regency Leads Top Ten Brokers By Volume

4 years ago
1 min read

REGENCY Assets Management Limited led the top ten brokers by volume according to the Nigerian Exchange Group‘s weekly broker performance report.

The report covering between 09/08/2021 and 13/08/2021, shows that Regency Assets Management Limited traded 755,880,111 units accounting for 23.47% of the total volume of shares traded in the week to lead others.

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Following at second position is Stanbic IBTC Stockbrokers Limited, with trading quantity of 566,060,372, accounting for 17.58% volume.

Other top ten brokers by volume on the week in review include Cardinal Stone Securities Limited, Morgan Capital Securities Limited, Apt Securities and Funds-BRD, Global Asset Management Nigeria Limited, Meristem Stockbrokers Limited, Stonex Financial Nigeria Limited, MBC Securities and Chapel Hill Denham Securities Limited-BRD.

The 10 Stockbrokers are responsible for trading 2,097,485,260 worth of units amounting to 65.13% of the total volume between 09/08/2021 and 13/08/2021.

Top 10 brokers by value

Stanbic IBTC Stockbrokers Limited led the chart with trades valued at 3,796,774,583.43 during the week, representing 14.92% of the total value of shares traded during this period. They were followed by Apt Securities and Funds-BRD with trades valued at 1,761,434,566.25 during the week, representing 6.92% of the total value of shares traded during this period.

Others who made the top ten brokers by value list during this period include Imperial Asset Management, Stonex Financial Nigeria Limited, Chapel Hill Denham Securities Limited-BRD, Regency Assets Management Limited, Cardinal Stone Securities Limited, Falcon Securities Limited, EFG Hermes Nigeria Limited and A.R.M Securities Limited-BRD in that order.

These 10 Stockbrokers are responsible for trading 15,751,717,655.48 worth of units amounting to 63.57% of the total value between 09/08/2021 and 13/08/2021.


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