The rotary tablet press machine

BREAKING: Pharmacy Alumni Donate N9.9M Tablet Press To UNN

3 years ago
1 min read

IN a give-back gesture, members of the 1985 graduating class of the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Nigeria Nsukka have just donated a brand-new rotary tablet press worth about $24,000 (about N9,885,600) to their alma mater.

The donation, which was made at the group’s alumni homecoming event held at the Altinez Lecture Hall, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, UNN on Wednesday, had the Vice-Chancellor Prof. Charles Igwe and other senior management officials of UNN in attendance. Thousands of students also participated in the ceremony.

vc unn
UNN VC. Charles Igwe

President of the group known as ‘Circle of 85 Pharmily’, Chuka Dozie Chukwuanu, said it is a legacy project borne out of desires of members of the class to give back to the institution that formed them into what they are today.

He said, “It was out of hearts overflowing with gratitude, therefore, that we all decided to begin to give back to this great institution and contribute to the training of the present and future students of our faculty. The Rotary Tablet Press was procured in Shanghai and purchased with the freewill contributions of all members of our class.”

Chukwuanu thanked the Vice-Chancellor of the university, Professor Charles Igwe, Dean of the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Professor Kenneth Ofokansi, and all staff of the faculty for receiving the gift from them, and also commended the entire university management for their effort in improving teaching and learning in the institution.

The group’s President noted that the gesture would be a trigger for more productive interactions between students and the alumni and also help to motivate other graduating sets to emulate them and do more as the faculty still needs more primary and ancillary machines, and equipment.

The tablet press is a machine used in pharmaceutical industry to compress compound substances in powdered form to produce tablets of uniform sizes and weights.

The machine will help in practical training of the students on pharmaceuticals in the 21st century.

victor ezeja
Correspondent at Prime Business Africa

Victor Ezeja is a passionate journalist with six years of experience writing on economy, politics and energy. He holds a Masters degree in Mass Communication.

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