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APC Tackles Atiku Over Comment On Tinubu’s Policies 

2 months ago
2 mins read

The ruling All Progressives Congress (APC) has berated former Nigeria’s Vice President, Atiku Abubakar, over his comments on President Bola Tinubu’s economic policies since one year in office.

In a press statement signed by the APC National Publicity Secretary, Felix Morka, the APC described Atiku’s comment as filled with envy and desperation for power, claiming that President Tinubu has recorded significant achievements within the last one year.

It said: “Atiku’s self-serving efforts to minimize the bold, genuine and metamorphic policies and interventions of the present administration only smacks of primordial political envy and crass desperation for the power that Nigerians have so wisely denied him. The former Vice President lives in an alternate reality of prejudice and unpatriotic desire for Nigeria’s failure so he may scavenge his way to an even more elusive presidency”.

Recall that Atiku had issued a statement on Wednesday saying that President Tinubu laid out no plans of remodeling the economy as he (Tinubu) had promised but embarked on a “cocktail of trial-and-error policies.” He said that Tinubu’s promises remain unfulfilled and his actions have worsened the Nigerian economy.

READ ALSO: Nigeria Not Working: One Year Of Tinubu Is A Cocktail Of Trial-and-error Economic Policies – Atiku

Atiku , who was the presidential candidate of the People’s Democratic Party (PDP), in the 2023 general election, maintained that Tinubu’s policies have created such as fuel subsidy removal, and foreign exchange reforms among others, have created widespread poverty and a hostile environment for businesses in the country.

He further claimed that there is no impact of the policies on Nigeria’s foreign trade balance and that they have failed to attract foreign investments into the country.

Atiku highlighted six things that must be done by the government to revive the economy and urged the government to do something about the economy as it is not to late to start.

However, APC in its reaction said that Atiku was blind to the progress made by Tinubu’s government so far.

It said: “Key sectors of manufacturing, telecommunications, oil and gas, solid minerals, e-commerce and fintech have continued to attract increased and ceaseless flow of foreign direct investments (FDIs). Yet, Atiku remains willfully blind to the pace of progress that is so self-evident.”

I continuing, the party said: “Beyond his preferred economic blueprint of selling off our prized national assets to his friends and cronies, Atiku’s only notable contribution to Nigeria’s development has been his unquenched and unquenchable hunger pang for power for his less than altruistic purpose.”

The party boasted that “Atiku cannot achieve in eight years what President Tinubu has accomplished in his first year in office.”

It further stated that the President is committed to making progress in Nigeria. “President Bola Tinubu remains unshakable in his commitment to building concrete blocks of progress and greatness for Nigeria. While Atiku and his band of mudslingers idle away, the President will continue, unstoppably, to deliver high grade infrastructure not only in our nation’s capital, Abuja, but all around the country.”

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