Anambra Police Reactivate Fight Against Criminals, Intercepts Gun-runner With Brand New Pump Action Guns
Anambra State Commissioner of Police CP Nnaghe Obono Itam

Anambra Police Reactivate Fight Against Criminals, Intercepts Gun-runner With Brand New Pump Action Guns

3 weeks ago
1 min read

Anambra State Police Command has renewed its onslaught against criminals who perpetrate all kinds of crimes including kidnapping for ransom, armed robbery and gun-running in the state.

The state Commissioner of Police, CP Nnaghe Obono Itam, who spoke on Friday, after the release of Fr. Basil Gbuzuo and Prof. Sydney Onyeagu of Nnamdi Azikiwe University, unhurt, said he has activated an offensive against the abductors.

According to a statement by The Anambra Police Command’s spokesperson, SP Toochukwu Ikenga, the CP assured that the Command is leveraging credible intelligence and tactical actions to reduce crimes to the barest minimum in the state. It also said the Command is working to frustrate the criminal intention of nonstate actors who want to enforce illegal sit-at-home on 30 May 2024.

“The CP assures that the Command is in high spirits and already leveraging on information in this regard especially to frustrate criminal intentions of nonstate actors and reduce crime to the barest minimum in the State,” Ikenga stated.

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The Command had also announced on Thursday that its operatives intercepted a gang member of a notorious gun-running syndicate in Onitsha, and recovered seven brand new Jojef magnum pump action guns in a concealed bag.


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It said that officers, acting on credible intelligence, laid ambush at the identified location at Creek Road, Onitsha, but the gunrunner on sighting the Police abandoned the bag and ran away.

The CP consequently directed that a manhunt be launched to apprehend the notorious gunrunner.

“Anambra Police Operatives today 23/5/2024 by 11:30 am intercepted a gang member of a notorious gun-running syndicate in Onitsha, recovered seven brand new Jojef magnum pump action guns in a concealed bag.

“This breakthrough is following the practical intelligence and tact-led Policing strategy of the Commissioner of Police, CP Nnaghe Obono Itam to frustrate criminal plans, especially on the intel received over time about planned attacks by unlawful group/secessionists to enforce illegal sit-at-home on 30th May 2024.

“The Operatives laid ambush at the identified location at Creek Road, Onitsha and the convener/ gunrunner on sighting the Police abandoned the bag and took to his heels.

“To this end, the CP directs a manhunt on the notorious gun runner and the gang and urges Ndi Anambra to sustain the provision of security information as the Police will continue to act upon it, to be able to frustrate the criminal intentions of the nonstate actors in the State.”

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